Register your training for the European Year of Skills


Register your training for the European Year of Skills


In Ursula von der Leyen's State of the Union speech in October last year, the President of the European Commission announced that 2023 would be the European Year of Skills.

This initiative was born out of the need to promote the qualification of workers to fill jobs essential for the functioning of the countries of the European Union and for the recovery of its economy after the pandemic.  

As stated by the European Commission, “currently more than three-quarters of companies in the EU report difficulties in finding workers with the necessary skills, and latest figures from Eurostat suggest that only 37% of adults undertake training on a regular basis”.

Therefore, the European Year of Skills aims to promote lifelong learning by investing in training and upskilling and ensuring that workers’ skills are relevant to the labour market needs. The Commission wants to put a special focus on women and young people, especially those currently in education or training.

To promote the initiative, the Commission has set up a page where all European organisations can showcase their work by uploading their activities related to the year. Furthermore, we encourage all ERYICA members to register their training activities at


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